2015年10月1日 星期四

10/1 week3

relinquish(v.) \ri-ˈliŋ-kwish, -ˈlin-\
to give up (something) : to give (something, such as power, control, or possession) to another person or group
I will not relinquish my rights.

How languages evolve-Alex Gendler

cap-: head
capital(n.) \ˈka-pə-təl, ˈkap-təl\
having the main offices of a government

capitol(n.) \ˈka-pə-təl, ˈkap-təl\
 the building in which the people who make the laws of a U.S. state meet

The Tower of Babel (/ˈbæbəl/ or /ˈbeɪbəl/; Hebrew: מִגְדַּל בָּבֶל‎, Migddal Bāḇēl) is an etiological myth in the Book of Genesis of the Tanakh (also referred to as the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament) meant to explain the origin of different languages. According to the story, a united humanity of the generations following the Great Flood, speaking a single language and migrating from the east, came to the land of Shinar (Hebrew: שנער‎). There they agreed to build a city and tower; seeing this, God confounded their speech so that they could no longer understand each other and scattered them around the world. 

a part of a cell that controls or influences the appearance, growth, etc., of a living thing
generation(n.) \ˌje-nə-ˈrā-shən\
a group of people born and living during the same time
That family has lived in the same house for four generations. 

How to learn language in six months

The five principles are:

1. Focus on language content that is relevant to you.
2. Use your language as a tool to communicate from day 1.
3. When you understand the message you will acquire the language unconsciously, 
4. Language is not about accumulating a lot of knowledge but is rather a type of physiological training.
5. Psycho-physiological state matters 

The seven actions are:

1. Listen a lot.
2. Focus on getting the meaning first, before the words. 
3. Start mixing, get creative, and use what you’re learning
4. Focus on the core – the most commonly-used words, and use the language to learn more (What is this/that? How do you say ? etc.)
5. Get a language parent.
6. Copy the face.
7. “Direct connect” to the target language.

1.A fly in the ointment 
2.Fight the good fight 
3. Labor of love 
4. A thorn in the flesh 
5. go the extra mile 

